Research & Studies

 We provide all services related to research, master’s and doctoral theses.

  • A comprehensive analysis of previous studies.
  • Providing modern references.
  • Detailed content analysis.
  • Documentation of references.
  • Questionnaires.
  • “Proposal” papers for master’s and doctoral.

A comprehensive analysis of previous studies

A comprehensive analysis of previous studies

A team of specialists performs a complete analysis of previous studies, to benefit from them and use them for citation in research dissertations.

Providing Modern References

Providing Modern References

Cover all research points, providing them in both languages (Arabic – English), in all disciplines (scientific – literary).

Detailed Content Analysis

Detailed Content Analysis


Documentation of References

Documentation of References

Reviewing and documenting references and writing them correctly in research papers or dissertations.



Conducting accurate questionnaires for research and master’s and doctoral.

“Proposal” papers for master’s and doctoral

“Proposal” papers for master’s and doctoral


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